Rule not my mind. Thine own is thine mind. Rule thou it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What is this?

Why "The foot of Time"? What is the foot of time?
It has been asked before, and apparently, still being asked.
what my blog really is about and what's going on in my mind?
Plain and simple, directly to the point, "The foot of time" is what's going on in my mind. Miscellaneous as it is.
I decided to name it that, because I know, I think, that my perspectives on different aspects are still subject to change and different more rendition of influences. As time goes by with me, we walk, briskly. We gallop. We run. As we pass though, I wish to keep it recorded so when time comes, I'll look back and just take a big big laugh on my own thoughts and writings. Or maybe, when I look back, I'll find awe in my own writings. Either-way, when we wish to look back, there would be some webpage we can call ours and distinguish a clearer rather than strange and obscured picture of how we were.
Does this answer my answer?

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